About Me

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Rock Hill, SC, United States
"My heart is overflowing with a good theme. I recite my compositions concerning the King. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer." (Psalm 45:1) This verse has become a life verse for me. As I continue to walk it out, I realize this journey as a breast cancer survivor has changed me but does not define me. I remain the loved, chosen, redeemed and blessed child of the living God who supplies me daily with more hope, strength, grace and courage than I ever dreamed I could possess! God has been so good to me ... indeed my tongue is the pen of a ready writer ... poised to tell the story of my faithful Father! I love Him so!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sunrises and Rocks..The story of the photograph ......

I feel so privileged to be able to use this photograph as my CD cover. Let me take a moment to give the backstory.....

For months I had been attempting to say “overwhelmed” in a picture. I thought that a sunrise would say it nicely and settled on an online stock photo depicting the sun coming up and spreading it’s warmth over a green grassy field and one lone tree stretching heavenward for all of it’s needs. That was a good idea, perhaps, but it still didn’t capture the essence of being overwhelmed. What to do?

While sharing my dilemma with a friend and sharing with her the story of the rocks my son had given to me....more about the rocks in the insert of the CD which tells that story and the lessons that God is teaching me through this simple gift of 4 rocks. The rocks are inseparable from the songs that have been recorded....so, I was telling you that I was telling my sweet friend about my dilemma.

She had an idea...it turns out that her brother-in-law, in Minnesota, is a professional nature photographer and has the most beautiful picture of rocks on his website. She told me to check it out and if I liked it, she’d contact him to see if he would let me use the photo. Well, I did like it...alot...and he has allowed me to use it. He is a fellow believer and very supportive of what I’m doing.

He explained to me that he captured the picture quite by accident as he was out at Sugarloaf Cove, Lake Superior, Minnesota trying to capture a sunrise...oh really? So was I! It just wasn’t working out for him...oh really? Me either! He happened to down look at his feet and saw the water rushing over the stones. He stood there trying to time the incoming water so as to capture the water’s power, covered and uncovered rocks, and the water’s foam in perfect timing. This photograph is the result.

Praise God for His own perfect timing...
2 people trying to capture the sunrise, for different reasons,
2 people beholding rocks and gazing at their beauty,
2 believers, bound in Christ, capturing “overwhelmed”....
for such a time as this...

Thank you Darren. My heart is blessed by your generosity to me and your support in this call of the Lord. May the Lord bless you abundantly!

Check out his website of beautiful photographs at www.darrenolson.com

Blessings to you for your day! And, whatever happens to you today, find God in the details....He may just be working behind the scenes of any given situation to accomplish something incredible in you a little further down the road....


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