I love the month of May. Okay, okay, for those of you who know me you know my real motivation .... it is, afterall, my birthday month and my birthday is followed immediately by Mother’s Day ... I just love all the attention! Just kidding ... okay partially kidding! I do love the attention!
But not for the attentions sake. No, it runs much deeper than that. I love the way my guys ... Mark, Brad, Cory and Will ... take care of me. There is something just so lovely about having these strong men at my side as we walk through life. They make me feel safe. They make me feel loved. They remind me that I am blessed beyond measure. They are my treasures, this side of heaven, and I’m abundantly, overwhelmingly grateful to God for each one of them.
The love I feel for them, the love I feel from them, points me right back to the Father! The God who made me. The God who ordains my days. The God who blesses my every moment with His incredible presence.
And then I’m reminded ...
He will never leave me nor forsake me!
He is my valiant Warrior!
He is for me so who can be against me!
He is my safety!
He alone loves me with an everlasting love!
In Him I live and move and have my being (Acts 17:28). He calls me to Himself and I am changed in His presence! The Word...alive in me. My mind truly cannot fully comprehend it; but, I know this, He is my Treasure, all year long, ... and He entrusts me with His presence daily. My heart is His home. My heart is His throne. My heart is His tabernacle. He chooses to dwell within me.
Oh, may I never miss it! When the calendar flips to June and then July, and then August and so on ... may I always see His blessings, always abide in the safety of His wings, and always embrace His boundless love and mercy. May I never forget in the “ordinary-ness” of my days that I am the apple of His eye!
Thank You, God, for the reminders in the month of May! All of life points to You and there is no where I can go that You are not already there! (Psalm 139)
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